Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Beat Box!

 Bookchigi Bakchigi! Do you know this word? It's famous a word of Beat
Box. I like Beat Box. But My beat Box ability is not good. Anyway, even
though I have wanting ability, I teach you about Beat Box. 1.kick. Gather
your mouth and spit out breath like this "Boo!" 2.Hihat. Gather your teeth
and a little moment put your tongue and put out like this "chit!" 3.Snare.
Gather your mouth and open end of mouth. Specifically, It's method is
breath in. like this "phe~" Right? From now on, you are best Beat Boxer!
Thank you.

1 comment:

John said...

Brad, great posts and I love that story the guard's room and the firecracker. Is it fiction or non-fiction? Please rteturn to the double space format you used in your previous posts. Keep up the good work!